May 05, 2012

Pam's Bloody Book Haul

Hi all. This haul has a lot of books so I wont post the links to all of them. This is about a months worth of a haul. These are some books I got from the library, well some of them my hubby picked up for me while I was on bed rest. As you can see there are a lot of great books in these pictures. I will be posting reviews on some of these soon.

After having a horrible week, my hubby, while at the library picking books up for me, heard they were having a book sale. He decided I needed a pick me up gift and something to keep me occupied and went to the sale. The result was him bringing me home 134 books!! Yes I was so thrilled and he is totally awesome. Here are some pictures of all the paranormal ones he bought me.

Well that is my book haul. As you can see I have plenty to read for a while. Thank you for looking and feel free to share what you have gotten lately.



  1. HOLY book haul!! What a great haul of books. I hope you enjoy them all.

    Happy Reading!

  2. What a thoughtful husband you have!

